
Les cinés étoilés

« Les cinés étoilés », open-air cinema at Fort Saint-Jean, Mucem

World premiere of « Kyuka – Before Summer’s End » by Kostis Charamountanis

Introduced by Clara Teper, filmmaker and member of the ACID Cannes 2024 programming committee, “Kyuka” was screened as ACID’s opening film at the Cannes 2024 Festival.


Free admission, subject to availability

Mucem, fort Saint-Jean  Place d’Armes

Saturday, August 31, 2024



Gallery Night PAC

As they do every autumn, the Marseille galleries in the PAC network are joining forces with Art-o-rama to offer the public a nocturne on Saturday August 31. This year, several galleries are taking part, opening their doors to create an itinerary through the city until 10pm.



Longchamp | Belsunce

Galerie La Nave Va

La nef des fous

Patrick Chambon

Exhibition from August 27 to September 14, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 29, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm
Gallery Night, August 31, 2024, 6-10pm

Galerie La Nave Va, 16 Bd National, 13001 Marseille




Mia Radford et Raphael Federici

Gallery Night from August 30 to September 03, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 30, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm

Gallery Night, August 31, 2024, 6-10pm

Solarium, 40 boulevard de la Liberté 13001 Marseille



Coupe-tiges, sèche-feuilles, amasse-graines

Hélène Bertin · Sébastien Desplat · Bettina Henni · Lola Verstrepen

Exhibition from August 31 to September 21, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 from 11am to 2pm

Fotokino, 33 allée Léon Gambetta, 13001 Marseille




Antoine Ronin

Exhibition from August 31 to September 06, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage August 31, 2024 6-10pm
Gallery Night August 31, 2024 6-10pm

Féria, 32 rue du Baignoir, 13001 Marseille


La Compagnie


Arina Essipowitsch

Performance on August 31, 2024 from 7 pm to 10 pm
as part of Gallery Night


As part of her exhibition Polyphonie à la compagnie, Arina Essipowitsch offers a special performance from 7-10pm.

La Compagnie, lieu de création, 19 rue Francis de Pressensé 13001 Marseille

Joliette | Panier


Casu Marzu

Frédéric Clavère

Edouard Monnet


Exhibition from June 14 to September 21, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Gallery Night August 31, 2024 from 6 to 10 p.m.

Vidéochroniques, 1 place de Lorette 13002 Marseille


Centre Photographique Marseille

Toucher le silence · New exhibition

Grzegorz Przyborek · Patrick Bailly-Maître-Grand · David Nebreda · Aaron Siskind · Laurent Millet · Jacques Cholet · Jaromir Funke · Hervé Guibert · Emmanuelle Becker · Tom Drahos · Dieter Appelt · Erick Gudimard

Exhibition from August 31 to September 21, 2024
as part of
Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 from 7 to 10 p.m.

Centre Photographique Marseille, 74 rue de la Joliette 13002 Marseille


Camas | Cours Julien

Le 55

Jamais tu ne me regardes, là où je te vois

Elvire Bonduelle · John Cornu · Alain Gœtschy · Quentin Lefranc · Gilles Pourtier · Jean-Xavier Renaud · Linda Sanchez


Curator : Gilles Pourtier


Exhibition from July 04 to September 01, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Gallery Night August 31, 2024 from 7 to 10 pm

Le 55 (hors-les-murs), 55 rue Horace Bertin


Galerie Territoires Partagés

Monument pour Gabby

Pascal Navarro

Stéphane Guglielmet

Exhibition from August 31 to September 28, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm

Galerie Territoires Partagés, 81 rue de la Loubière 13005 Marseille



Tendresse Radicale

Helene Fromen · Linda DeMorrir · Lucie Camous

Performance on August 31, 2024 from 9pm to 11:30pm
as part of Gallery Night


SOMA, 55 cours Julien, 13006 Marseille


Préfecture | Castellane

Double V Gallery

Enter the Zone

Elvire Bonduelle · B.D. Graft · Charles Hascoët · Renske Linders · Maximilien Pellet · Paul Rousteau · Ugo Schildge · Maxime Verdier

Exhibition from June 21 to August 31, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Double V Gallery, 28 rue Saint-Jacques, 13006 Marseille



SDS#42 – J’ai coupé la salle à manger en deux

Mathilde Nicol


Exhibition from August 30 to September 30, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 from 2 pm to 10 pm

Performance on September 06, 2024 from 8pm to 10pm

SALON DU SALON Project, 21 avenue du Prado 13006 Marseille, France


La Cartine

Chemins détournés

Agnès Canu

Exhibition from August 31 to November 08, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 6-10pm
Gallery Night, August 31, 2024 6-10pm

La Cartine (hors-les-murs), 27 rue Saint Jacques, 13006 Marseille


Le 33

Creuser les tendres

Ludivine Venet

Exhibition from August 31 to November 08, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm

Le 33, rue Saint-Jacques 33, 13006 Marseille


Nendo Galerie


Agathe Rottier

Exhibition from August 31 to October 25, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 31, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm

Nendo Galerie, 31 rue Sylvabelle, 13006 Marseille


Bords de mer | Quartiers Sud

Digitale Zone

Marseille Le port

Dorian Rigal Minuit

Exhibition from June 26 to September 30, 2024
as part of Gallery Night

Vincent Auvray

Digitale Zone, 11 Avenue de Mazargues, 13008 Marseille


La Traverse

Les Dryades de Cosquer

Lina Lapelytė · Morta Jonynaitė · Kristina Õllek · Evy Jokhova · Daria Melnikova · Nefeli Papadimouli · Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust · Adela Soucka · Tereza Porybna


Justė Kostikovaitė et Merilin Talumaa

Exhibition from August 29 to October 31, 2024
as part of Gallery Night


Vernissage on August 29, 2024 from 6 pm to 10 pm

Gallery Night, August 31, 2024, 6-10pm

La Traverse | Catherine Bastide, 16 traverse Sainte Hélène 13007 Marseille


Artagon Marseille

Ouverture des portes

Workshop on August 31, 2024 from 6pm to 11pm
as part of Gallery Night


Artagon Marseille, École maternelle Saint-Tronc-La-Rose, 225 boulevard Paul Claudel, 13010 Marseille



Ateliers Jeanne Barret

Dance me to the end of love

Lola Gonzàles

Performance on August 31, 2024 at 6pm
as part of
Gallery Night


Ateliers Jeanne Barret, 5 boulevard de Sévigné, 13015 Marseille



Exhibitions, vernissages and finissages


Atelier Villeneuve

Ryder Morey-Weale, Sleeping with lights on.

« They had grown accustomed to sleeping with the lights on: lights of the houseglow, lights of the port’s mouth, the light of my phone. Daybreak diluted by the shadow of a moth who dulled in the presence of each flicker. 

The generation prior had grown large to the light, generation after: wiser, for his would be the last with burns on the apex of wings. Clever, he learned distance over instinct. And those who watched traded words like wild for domestic ‘til all the wild and all the domestic spun into a halo of judgement.

It was maintained—wild/domestic—in this place as repetition in opposition, replication of the selves. »

Extract from ‘3 Hypotheses’, written by Nina Hanz for the exhibition.



Wednesday August 28 (6pm-9pm)


Opening hours
Open from 28.08 to 01.09 from 12h to 16h
02.09 – 26.09 by appointment:


Atelier Villeneuve

7 rue Villeneuve 13001 Marseille




Paredão : Antoine Ronine


Saturday August 31st from 6pm to 10pm

Opening hours
Open from 01.09 to 03.09 from 12h to 16h

by appointment :


32 rue du Baignoir 13001 Marseille



La Saison du T-Shirt, épisode 6 – Basile Ghosn

Vernissage 08/31, 6-10pm


Open September 1-5, 2-6pm

32 rue du Baignoir, 13001 Marseille

Phone 0788527029


SISSI club

Inès Di Folco Jemni, Cantou, personal exhibition

Entitled “Cantou”, this exhibition brings together new productions celebrating fire, night and their mysterious energies. Playing on the sound and meaning of the ´Cantou’, the Occitan fireplace, and the ´Kanoun’ from ancient Kabyle architecture, Inès Di Folco Jemni pays tribute to her designated origins, and invokes a range of literary, musical and spiritual references.



Thursday, August 29, 6 – 9 pm


Thursday – Saturday from 2 pm to 6 pm


SISSI club
16 Cours Joseph Thierry, 13001 Marseille



Delphine Wibaux

A quoi tient un paysage ?

Qu’est ce que «faire paysage» ? 

Delphine Wibaux invites you to discover her research into “pockets of landscape” and the notion of threshold and horizon. This proposal stems from a residency on Reunion Island at the Cueillir laboratory, proposed by artist Anne Fontaine and supported by La Box.
Delphine proposes an in situ installation, where glass and stoneware sculptures dialogue with images, plant and mineral harvests collected on the island, gathered in the space-time of this atypical workshop…
A warm welcome!


Address and practical info:

26 boulevard des dames, 13 002 Marseille

Ring the bell at Wibaux, then 4th floor, right corridor, then in the middle: two blue-grey doors.


Opening hours : 

August 31 between 10:30 and 12:20 and by appointment:


instagram: @wibauxdelphine

Facebook: Delphine Wibaux



Parallèle x Marfret

42 jours, Yvan Salomone 


42 jours is the fruit of artist Yvan Salomone’s residency, which began in Le Havre in November 2019 on board the container ship Marfret Guyane. A double Atlantic crossing in 42 days and 11 ports of call, bound for Brazil, during which he shared the daily life of the 22 sailors and witnessed a highly singular ballet between men and machines.


“From this voyage of several weeks, Salomone brought back no documentary accounts, no reports on the lives of sailors, the fortunes and misfortunes of the sea, no fantastic stories or frightening or comic anecdotes : [but] twelve watercolors and a spellbinding film lasting just over an hour and forty minutes […] The watercolors were not painted on board but on return, from photographs or film shots, in accordance with the method employed by the artist since 1991: there is nothing fundamentally different about them from the rest of his work. ” Didier Semin


Discover the work of Yvan Salomone :


Marfret presents the inaugural exhibition of its gallery at 13 Quai de la Joliette (13002 Marseille)
from June 25 to September 6, 2024
Free admission Monday to Friday, 12 noon to 5:30 pm
Reservations required for groups
04 91 56 91 00



TCHIKEBE x Galerie Laurent Godin


Avec des œuvres uniques et éditions originales de :  

Scoli Acosta, Sylvie Auvray, Peter Buggenhout, Hsia-Fei Chang, Claude Closky, Delphine Coindet, Marc Couturier, Michel Dector, Laurent Galland, Sven ‘T Jolle, David Kramer, Lamarche-Ovize, Elodie Lesourd, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Jean-Baptiste Ganne, Gonzalo Lebrija, Michael Patterson-Carver, Marilou Poncin, Hugues Reip, Delphine Reist, Mika Rottenberg, Henrik Samuelsson, Alain Séchas, Haim Steinbach, Gérard Traquandi, Caroline Tschumi, Alan Vega, Jacques Villeglé, Wang Du, Elsa Werth, Yarisal & Kublitz.


Brunch VIP samedi 31 août à partir de 10h (sur invitation) puis vernissage public à 18h.

Exposition jusqu’au 13 septembre, du lundi au samedi de 11 à 18h, et sur RDV.



Substance Marseille



Artist: Lou Jelenski
Curation : Nadiejda Hachami


This fall 2024, multidisciplinary artist Lou Jelenski is welcomed by Substance, a brand-new exhibition space and showroom for creators. The invitation is extended to Passage des Folies Bergères, a historic alleyway hidden away and crossed by multiple transformations.
KEY-WORDS is the first solo show by Lou Jelenski, a Marseilles-based artist whose work can be found both on the city’s façades and under the skin of hundreds of people.
Having created his own writing system, this contemporary bateleur appropriates different ways of shaping steel under the scorching heat. His encounter with the two founders of the site leads to the production of new hybrid sculptures, often connected, forming an ecosystem with multiple reading keys. The letters become symbols of a troubled generation, composing an alternative metallic landscape just waiting to be explored.


Opening for professionals on August 29, 2024 from 2 pm to 8:30 pm
Public opening August 31, 2-10pm, dj set Shlagga


From August 29 to October 05, 2024
Open Wednesday to Saturday, 2 pm to 7 pm and by appointment:


Substance Marseille 

Passage des Folies Bergères, 13002 Marseille 



Substance >

Lou Jelenski >




Amandine Guruceaga

Amandine Guruceaga is a French visual artist, born in 1989.

Guruceaga is an alchemist of material, seeking to explore the limits of ordinary materials to create works that reflect the fragility of our world and the importance of history in matter. She uses the surface as a meeting place between painting and sculpture, creating works that challenge the boundaries between artistic genres.


Friday: 11am-5pm / Saturday, Sunday: 11am-7pm
Or by appointment 0689522129 or DM via Instagram
Studio: 37 rue Clovis Hugues 13003 Marseille


le Couvent


Resident artists:

Sophie BAILLET · Juliet CASELLA · Sourav CHATTERJEE · Flonflon William JONES · Takeshi JONOO · Annabel SCHENCK


On the occasion of Artorama, the resident artists of the Couvent la Belle de mai open their studios for visits.

Friday August 30, 4 pm to 8 pm.


Followed by the opening of the exhibition Les horizons, les vagues et nous, by Takeshi Jonoo, at 6pm.



52 rue Levat, 13003 Marseille (Belle de Mai)



— Bus line 49 (Belle de Mai stop) or line 56 (Bernard Clovis Hugues stop)

— A bicycle shelter is located at the entrance to the Convent.

— A scooter stop is located just opposite La Friche la Belle de Mai.

— Alternatively, Le Couvent is only a 15/20 min walk from the center (Réformés, Saint Charles, etc.).






Jamais tu ne me regardes, là où je te vois

At a time when events linking sport and contemporary art are multiplying across France, Jamais tu ne me regardes, là où je te vois offers an offbeat look at the human body, far removed from the stereotypes associated with physical performance. Conceived by artist Gilles Pourtier, this exhibition goes against the commonplace of the performative body by bringing together seven artists of the younger generation, all of whom take a distanced look at the question of contemporary identity.


Curating: Gilles Pourtier

Artistes: Elvire Bonduelle · John Cornu · Alain Gœtschy · Quentin Lefranc · Gilles Pourtier · Jean-Xavier Renaud · Linda Sanchez


Opening on July 4, 2024
Exhibition from July 4 to September 1, 2024


55 rue Horace Bertin, 13005 Marseille


Free admission
Open Wednesday to Friday, 2 pm to 6 pm and by appointment
Discussion Saturday August 31, 2024 with Cyrille Noirjean (director of Urdla) and Yohann Grandsire (choreographer).





Maison ARCHIK Marseille


An exhibition by CAPUCINE GUHUR
June 21 to September 9, 2024 Opening June 20 at 7pm


Maison ARCHIK Marseille
50, rue Edmond Rostand 13006 Marseille


Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm to 7pm by appointment (

Instagram @archik



Salon du Salon

J’ai coupé la salle à manger en deux 

What can we say about a domestic space that’s been opened up to the public? What happens when the dysfunctional intrudes into the everyday?

Mathilde Nicol approaches architecture through the prism of undulation. Stripped of their rigidity, fabric walls form the new floor plan of an apartment in downtown Marseilles. If, as Georges Perec said, space is a doubt, Philippe Munda’s Salon du Salon project has been experimenting with it for over ten years. Nearly forty exhibitions have been held in this apartment, each time transforming the domestic space into a venue dedicated to contemporary art and publishing.

For this exhibition, Mathilde Nicol has taken on the identity of the place and its residents. J’ai coupé la salle à manger en deux (I cut the dining room in two) shakes up the habits of the inhabited-visited place, to reveal new approaches. The installation reveals sewn walls that cut through the furniture and transgress the functionality of the spaces.


Exhibition from August 30 to September 30, 2024
Friday September 6: performance by Anissa Zerrouki 8-10pm
Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 3pm to 7pm + other days by appointment (

Gallery Instagram:


Exhibition opening times during Artorama will be :

August 29 and 30 2 – 6 pm by appointment (Preview)
Vernissage on August 31 14h-22h

September 1: 2pm-8pm


Salon du Salon

21 Avenue du Prado 13006 Marseille



CRYPTGAME Group show vol.2

Curated by Jean-Baptiste Janisset

Scenography by Olivier Cauet


Guest list :

Alexandre Bavard · Léa Bouton · Hugo Capron · Naïa Combary · Raphaël Fabre · Charles-Arthur Feuvrier · Alison Flora · Valentine Gardiennet · Margaux Janisset & Maxence Chevreau · Camille Juthier · Roy Köhnke · Bridget Low · Fiona Mackay · Raphaël Massart · Maïlys Moanda · Carole Mousset · Théo Ouaki · Robin Plus · Emmanuelle Queinnec · Antoine Renard · Céleste Richard Zimmermann · Caroline Schattling Villeval · Victor Vaysse · Valentin Vert · David Weishaar


Opening hours:

29/08/2024 between 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm

30/08/2024 and 31/08/2024 between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm



43 rue Paul Codaccioni, 13007 Marseille



Palais du Pharo

Bella’s Inferno

Open-air performance as part of the Art-o-rama closing.


Artistic direction and choreography by emmanuelle luciani and bella hunt & ddc

Songs by Regina Demina and pole dancing performance original music and sound design Quadriphonic by Moodoïd with Bruno Surace, Regina Demina, Amazigh Abrouk, Lucas Preux and Maxime Goalabré

Advisory choreography by Nadir Nenlala and Constance Perucca


The performance will take place on September 1 from 8 pm to 12 am

Palais du Pharo 

58 Bd Charles Livon, 13007 Marseille



Spiaggia Libera

Exposition collective

The exhibition will bring together some fifteen of the gallery’s artists, from Marseille and abroad.


Artistes :

Claire Bouffay · Nina Boughamin · Sol Cattino · Ánima Correa · Bella Hunt DDC · Antoine Donzeaud · Charlotte Gautier van Tour & Jimmy Boury Brandon · Gercara & Ugo Woatzi · Laura Gozlan Jean-Baptiste Janisset Hyewon Mia Lee Opale Mirman · Carole Mousset · Talita Otović · Marilou Poncin Valentin Ranger · Chloé Royer · Jack Warne


Wednesday August 28 to Sunday September 1.
Opening hours 11am to 7pm
1 plateau du génie in Malmousque (opposite Pentcheff’s, but entrance on the other side of the plateau)



Appartement 50

When Apartment N°50 was restored by two enthusiasts, Jean-Marc Drut and Patrick Blauwart, they felt that it would be selfish not to share the results with the world. As a way of inviting the public in, they came up with the radical idea of inviting a new designer each year to refit the listed space and then showcase the results to the public as a summer exhibition. 

Listed as a historical monument, the impeccably preserved N°50 opened to the public biennially from 2008 to 2018 when it hosted summer exhibitions from some of the design world’s biggest names. These have seen Jasper Morrison, the Bouroullec Brothers, Konstantin Grcic, Pierre Charpin, Alessandro Mendini and Normal Studio pitch up within the original 1952 space to stage an unconventional installation of their works.

For the 2024 relaunch of the exhibition cycle after a six years hiatus, designer duo Marie & Alexandre have been invited to take over the space, creating a scenography for the Apartment N°50, featuring new site specific works, alongside existing pieces. The exhibition will activate the entire space, throwing new light on its spatial complexity and making the experience of visiting this classified historic monument all the more immersive.

The exhibition will then travel to Paris, where it will be adapted to the format of the gallery and presented for the launch of the Paris Design Week on September 5th and shown until October 21st, 2024.


By Galerie Signé

From Friday August 30 to Sunday September 1st from 2pm to 6pm

Cité Radieuse, 280 Boulevard Michelet 13008



Kolektiv Cité Radieuse


In 1967, Czechoslovakian visual artist Alex Mlynárčik met critic Pierre Restany in Paris, which introduced him to an artistic milieu influenced by the upheavals of May ’68. Thanks to his collaboration with Restany and Michel Ragon, Mlynárčik created his first major installation in 1968. In 1972, he co-founded the V.A.L group with two architects, whose utopian architectural projects blended references to the Renaissance with reflections on the anthropocene. The V.A.L group embodies a quest for free creative spaces, resonating today with political repression in Slovakia, where cultural institutions are under pressure.


Opening on August 29 from 11:00 to 13:00 in the presence of curator and biographer Ivan Jancar.

Art-o-rama opening hours: August 30 & 31, September 1, 10 am to 6 pm, then Thursday to Saturday 10 am to 6 pm until November 2.


Kolektiv Cité Radieuse

313 Unité d’Habitation Le Corbusier, 280 bvd. Michelet, 13008 Marseille


Information: Instagram @kolektivciteradieuse or by phone: 0679231726



Mastic at l’atelier sili

Sunday September 1st 2:00pm – 8:00pm

Atelier sili, 7 Boulevard Bel Air 13012 Marseille

Presented artists: Louise Belin , Esther Carraz Meier, Robin Cognez, Ève Delavie, Alexandre Espagnol, Séverina lanakieva, Janisset & Janisset , Zoe June Grant , Joshua Leterreux, Esther Maine , Victoire Mandement, Émilie Martinez , Laurence Merle , Mathilde Nicol,Anicet Oser , Simon Pastoors, Gaspard Postal , Emmanuelle Queinnec , Clara Segura , Lauren Sié , Brontë Scott , Lucien Vasselle , Clément Veiluva

Curation and scenography : Joshua Leterreux, Gaspard Postal, Bronte Scott, Esther Maine, Alexandre Espagnol

Graphism : Sébastien Roulet




Solo exhibition by Mathis Collins by appointment from August 30 to September 30, 2024.
Opening on Thursday August 29 from 6pm.


La Rose
171 avenue de la rose 13013 Marseille




Meet the residents, visit the site and artists’ studios, program…


Artagon Marseille opens its doors on August 31 and September 1 as part of Art-o-rama! It’s an opportunity to discover the new space and the 2nd class of artists and project leaders currently receiving support.


Dedicated to supporting the emerging local art scene, since March Artagon Marseille has brought together a new class of 30 residents – artists, collectives, structures and cultural project leaders at the start of their careers, working in all fields of creation – in a former nursery school in the Saint-Tronc La Rose district.



→ Professional day :
Saturday, August 31, 11am to 6pm
→ Opening evening: Saturday August 31, 6pm to 11pm
→ Opening day :
Sunday, September 1, from 12 am to 7 pm


Registration required:

Registration for the professional day

Registration for the evening or opening day      


Times when the fair is not open:
→ Possible preview for Art-o-rama VIPs: Saturday August 31, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
→ Opening evening on Saturday August 31 from 7pm to 11pm, and on Sunday September 1 from 12pm to 2pm.




Atelier Jeanne Barret

Dance me to the end of Love

Carte blanche to Lola Gonzàlez

Free with registration

Saturday, August 31st, 6:00pm – 9:00pm

5 boulevard de Sévigné 13015, Métro Bougainville