Théophylle Dcx, guest artist 2024

Théophylle Dcx (born in Saint-Étienne in 1996) is an artist living and working in Marseille.  


Since his studies at the Villa Arson, Nice, which he completed in 2022 with the congratulations of the jury, Théophylle Dcx has developed a practice that spans text, performance and video. His work focuses on the body, both formally and theoretically, as a site traversed by societal and political pressures. His own identity as a queer seropositive person takes on a central place throughout his practice in exploring such systemic forces.  


Reminiscent of the work of French writer and filmmaker Guillaume Dustan, his texts and videos take on a humorous nonchalance, used as a tool of subversion and emancipation against the wider reality at play. The introspective and diaristic quality found in such works contrasts with other wider elements of his practice. The collective experience of dance within the queer community, seen in many of his performances and films, is understood as a means to help shape a sense of solidarity and resistance against wider normative pressures that govern today’s society.  


His work has been presented in institutions in France and internationally such as Les Sillons, Centre d’Art Contemporain La Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel (2023), 100% La Villette, Paris (2023), In memory of my feelings, Parallèle La Relève 5 x Château de Servières  Marseille (2023), VIH/sida L’épidémie n’est pas finie!, Mucem x Manifesto XXI x Artagon, Marseille (2022), Argent facile, Forde, Genève (2022), The Films of Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004), Fri Art Kunsthalle, Fribourg (2021).  


He has been awarded various residencies such as Palais de Tokyo and Centre Maurice Chalumeau en Science des Sexualités, Genève (2023) and Artagon Marseille (2021-2022).  

The publication of his book Rose2Rage is expected by Burn-Août editions in 2023.  


Written by Juliette Desorgues, curator for the 2023 Art Showroom

Previous guests artists


2023 – HaYoung


2022 – Flore Saunois


2021 – mountaincutters


2019 – Jonathan Vidal


2018 – Delphine Wibaux


2017 – Sabrina Belouaar


2016 – Rafaela Lopez


2015 – Vincent Ceraudo


2014 – Sergio Verastegui


2013 – Yann Gertsberger


2012 – Caroline Duchatelet


2011 – Sandro Della Noche


2010 – Pascal Martinez


2009 – Émile Perotto


2008 – Julien Bouillon


2007 – Olivier Millagou & Arnaud Maguet



Région Sud Prize Art 2023, invited artist 2024, Théophylle DCX, Art-o-rama 2023 © Margot Montiny

Théophylle DCX

un troupeau till the world ends (2023)
Video installation, Screenshot

Théophylle Dcx, I don't want to loose my mind, I don't want to loose my time, 2024

Editor: Camille Mansour
Graphic Design: FSB Press
Texts: Théophylle Dcx, Fanny Lallart, Daisy Lambert, Léa Lascaud, Clément Riandley, Nesrine Salem
Published by Fræme, as part of Région Sud Prize and funded by Département des Bouches-du-Rhônes, with the support of RDV/DAC