Suprainfinit, Bucharest
Through the customary communication from Suprainfinit to the blue world – the voice memos – Munknown, head of The Department of Art Investments, is getting across an urgent message to all art collectors about an offer impossible to refuse. As with all offers there is also something else: a precondition to go through a self-evaluation exercise no matter if you are a new collector or a legendary one; or anything in between.
Take a paper and pen and press start.
All ears ready?
Apparatus 22 is a transdisciplinary art collective founded in 2011 by current members Erika Olea, Maria Farcas, Dragos Olea together with Ioana Nemes (1979 – 2011); since 2015 they are working between Bucharest, Brussels and Suprainfinit utopian universe.
They see themselves as a collective of daydreamers, citizens of many realms, researchers, poetic activists and (failed) futurologists interested in exploring the intricate relationships between economy, politics, gender studies, social movements, fashion in order to understand contemporary society.
The work of Apparatus 22 was presented in exhibitions at La Biennale di Venezia 2013, MUMOK, Vienna(AT), BOZAR – Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels(BE), Museion, Bolzano (IT), Kunsthalle Wien(AT), Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles(BE), Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu(RO), Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart(DE), Contemporary Art Museum (MNAC), Buchares (RO), KunstMuseum Linz(AT), La Triennale di Milano(IT), TRAFO Gallery, Budapest(HU), Ujazdowski Castle – CCA, Warsaw (PL), Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest(RO), Onomatopee Eindhoven(NL), TIME MACHINE BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART, D-0 ARK UNDERGROUND, Konji(BIH), Osage Foundation (Hong Kong), Progetto Diogene, Turin(IT), Closer Art Centre, Kiev (UA), CIAP, Hasselt(BE), Lateral ArtSpace, Cluj(RO), Survival Kit festival, LCCA Riga (LV);
performances at MAK, Vienna(AT), Steirischer Herbst, Graz(AT), Stedelijk Museum with De Appel CP Amsterdam(NL), Kunsthal Gent(BE), Yarat Academy, Baku(AZ), Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart(DE), Drodesera Festival, Dro(IT), SMAK Gent(BE) etc.;