Rinomina, Paris

For the first edition of ART-O-RAMA’s EDITION SECTION, Rinomina (Paris) will present a wide range of artistic productions, highlighted by a certain scenic ambition.

Daniela Baldelli, Jean-Philippe Bretin, Vanessa Dziuba, Geiger Thomas, Dominique Koch, Markus Lichti, Ambra Pittoni, or Zoe Claire Miller … Very attached to exhibition design, Romina’s artists editions will be showned on display especially designed for the fair.

Works which are not supposed to hang on a wall, will be placed on lightweight wall mounted displays, consisting of a folded 3mm thin HDF panel with an angle cut wooden board as support. The second display is a round table cut out of a single panel of a composite wood using the “left over” of the cut as legs and construction support.

With this project Rinomina want to create a condition of tension and dialogue between forms, space and objects.
