ltd los angeles, Los Angeles

ltd los angeles has enjoyed the privilege of working together with Margaret Haines (b.1984, Montreal,CN) to exhibit her works and screen her films at the gallery on several occasions. Margaret graciously accepted the gallery’s invitation to create a booth for ART-O-RAMA and invited Josefin Arnell (b.1984, Ljusnedal, SE) and Arielle de Pinto (b.1985, Toronto, CN) to collaborate.

Since com­ple­ting the Rjik­sa­ka­de­mie in May, Haines has pre­sen­ted a solo ex­hi­bi­tion, “The Ma­li­gnancy of Stu­pi­dity: The Cu­test Evil”, at Lily Ro­bert (Paris, FR) and is currently directing a film towards a solo exhibition at 1646 (The Hague, NL). Now she will focus on her col­la­bo­ra­tion with fel­low Rjik­sa­ka­de­mie gra­duate Ar­nell, to be pre­sen­ted at the Ro­zens­traat (Am­ster­dam, NL) in a few months. Their pro­ject, concer­ned with sleep (and the de­pri­va­tion the­reof), re­volves around the lul­laby, a sleep aid concei­ved for and lo­vin­gly sha­red with young chil­dren usually ac­com­pa­nied by a cudd­ling em­brace or soo­thing ro­cking mo­tion.

For ART-O-RAMA, Haines and Ar­nell will in­tro­duce a se­ries of in­ter­ac­tive sculp­tures (sin­ging swings), sound re­cor­dings (lul­la­bies), and ob­jects de­ri­va­tive of per­for­mance (hand pain­ted, drawn and em­bel­li­shed bed-sheets made over a per­iod of mo­ni­to­red ab­nor­mal sleep and wa­king pat­terns). Me­tals and fiber ar­tist Arielle de Pinto will ex­hi­bit her cro­che­ted masks, vests and je­welry which mir­ror the loo­sely in­ter­wo­ven na­ture of ham­mocks / dream­cat­chers and child­hood dreams / dark fan­ta­sies.