Kurimanzutto, Mexico City

For its seventh edition, ART-O-RAMA is proud to welcome Kurimanzutto, one of the most important international galleries, with a solo show by Jimmie Durham, historical artist well represented in museums and institutions worldwide.

Durham, also a poet and a prominent essayist, uses all the components of what is today called visual art. Many times he incorporates texts and words in simple explanatory but humorous descriptions of the materials being used in his paintings and sculptures. His practice extends to performances and situations, which are documented by photography or video.

Jimmie Durham has a strong concern with primary materials humans use for construction and comfort (wood, stones, bones, cloth, etc) and the changes they undergo throughout time, treating them as live, soulful beings. This concern is mainly shown in his sculptural works were raw materials are aligned together or shown separately in a kind of anti-narrative, non-useful new object.

He also creates his own museums, which are specific to the sites they are created for and focus on natural histories or the overwhelming quantity of information needed to understand a site or city through their natural and cultural histories.