Joseph Tang, Paris

When an object is depicted in two dimensional mediums one needs to mentally imagine the totality of the object through a singular facet, a misinformed truth of the physical totality. But if a photograph is a presupposed evidence of something, and a painting is an authoritative notion of the object, how does one reconcile the physical truth of an object, the total property of an object/sculpture?

Kosuth had analysed this notion conceptually. Curiously I wondered what Kosuth will do with the internet, with the Wikipedia explanation of his own work.  

What becomes of a painting when it should rationally be read as a sculpture; an object documented that is clearly re-presented as a photograph; a sculpture that negates its voluminousness yet lyrically poised as one? In what language of form are we to talk about a wikipedied form?

In presenting works by Sean Bluechel, Julie Béna, Adam Cruces, Pepo Salazar, we set out to play with these elements. 
It is a puzzle about form, a summer crossword that hopefully makes no sense.
