Gdm…, Paris

For this 2018 ART-O-RAMA’s edition, Gdm… sets up an exhibition that illustrates the fact that a multiple scrutinizes, probes the reality as any work of art does and thus allows, even modestly (with respect to necessarily limited space of a Fair) to address with relevance a specific theme to art; here, the artist’s Studio.

The theme is not new and punctuates the history of art. But this mise en abime, sometimes, and this contextualization of creation is always recurring as it is necessarily topical (the studio may be a computer) and therefore, relevant.
So Gdm… builds a group show around, or from, the artist’s studio. Let’s admit immediately that it is the artists works that gave the gallery the idea for this exhibition, and not the other way around…

The gallery presents on their booth artworks by Farah Atassi, Olivier Babin, Mark Geffriaud, Renee Levi, Flora Moscovici, Eva Nielsen, Gerald Petit, Lei Saito, and Morgane Tschiember.
All these editions allows Gdm… to testify once again to the diversity of the way to produce multiples (whether it is sculpture or painting by Flora Moscovici and Gerald Petit, objects by Olivier Babin, photography by Farah Atassi and Renée Levi, photo-engraving by Lei Saito, or the pigment print by Eva Nielsen …), and the richness of these proposals. And above all, to commit the gallery to explore and reflect the idea of what is an artist’s studio nowadays.
