Frutta, Rome

The second show at Frutta was a double solo show of two young Italian artists, Gabriele De Santis and Jacopo Miliani – which existed in the same dimensions of time and space. The project for ART-O-RAMA will be an extension of the exhibition realized in the gallery, but with entirely new works, which will be created specially for the occasion. Horizontally, vertically, diagonally, you will see two things at once; two solo shows, by two separate artists.

The project for Art-O-Rama will allow the artists to revisit this exhibition model, to take a second attempt at developing the work, although this time having greater knowledge of the other artists work. How will this effect the process? How will it effect the selection and validation of the works?

Frutta would like to develop this dialogue – to recreate, and reaffirm the experiment. However, this time in the context of a wider exhibition. Frutta proposes to construct two parallel walls, creating a passage, from one point to another. On one wall there will be a project by Gabriele De Santis and on the other a project of Jacopo Milani. On the floor, the projects will extend, creating obstacles and points of punctuation, which disrupt the rhythm of the passage.

With two completely separate walls, composed of two completely separate projects; how does one impact on the other? Does both the materials and ideas physically and metaphorically reflect the other. Can we see a reflection of one artistic practice on the other? Similarly, how does each wall manage to stand against the rest of the fair. Does the other booths force the two walls of Frutta to collapse in on itself, into an imaginative negative space?
