Emmanuel Hervé, Paris

For its second participation to ART-O-RAMA, Galerie Emmanuel Hervé is happy to present a solo show by New Zealand artist Peter Robinson (b. 1966). For the occasion, the artist will produce a project specifically designed for the fair.

With a practice spanning over two decades, Peter Robinson has continually varied his use of materials, techniques and the content he has been addressing throughout his career. Historically known for his critical exploration of issues of identity and ethnicity, Robinson’s early works are intensely political and examine his Maori ancestry and biculturalism.

More recently, Robinson has shifted from this rhetoric and weight of interpretation to focus more exclusively on exploring and celebrating the materiality of the mediums with which he works—such as felt, polystyrene, and steel. Interested in the play between order and disorder, density and lightness, dispersion and compression, Robinson creates bold, monumental and irrepressible forms where the idea of sculpture is often momentarily balanced between building up and breaking down. Indeed, Robinson’s affection for materiality is regularly experienced as profusion and excess.
