Allen, Paris

Galerie Allen is a unique model capitalising on the varied experiences of two Australians living in Paris, France. For ART-O-RAMA 2017, Gallery Allen presents a group exhibition by the gallery’s artists. Conceptually the works all deal with transformation and ephemerality. Each work explores the notion of temporality and changing of states. From Mel O’Callaghan’s capture of transcendental state of mind of ritual by casting the zones of facial contact from a processual mask, or Maxime Rossi’s facsimile of a marble Ernst sculpture now in soap to Mesiti’s documented sunset as Mount Stromboli devouring the sun. As Blaussyld’s wooden plank reserves potent transmissions from another dimension.

Physically, variations of state are apparent by a gradation of opacity and transparency while we witness a colour palette of pastels through to chalky whites creating a clear visual illustration of these concepts. A variation of styles, periods, scales, careers and material, arranged loosely these sculptures create an intimate and varied arrangement that represents the gallery’s multiplicity with a free yet restrained, sparse yet generous offering of valuable objects in a non-precious setting.
