Centre d’art contemporain de Châteauvert


June 28 to December 1, 2024


The artist Pierre Ardouvin will present a unique set of burlesque and endearing sculptures, undertaking the perilous crossing of a disrupted landscape






Address: 460 Réparade, 83670 Chateauvert

Pierre Ardouvin

Sound and light system, metal, wood
350 x 350 x 190 cm Collection du MAM de la Ville de Paris.
Photo Florian Kleinefenn
Pierre Ardouvin ADAGP

Pierre Ardouvin

La rue de la fortune (2013)
Turntable, fabrics, garden armchairs, sound system.

Diameter: 5, 50 m

Production Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain Languedoc Roussillon, 2013
Courtesy L'artiste & Praz-Delavallade Gallery
Credit photo Florent Gardin ©Pierre Ardouvin ADAGP