Galerie Maubert, Paris

Sara Favriau

Sara Favriau creates hybrid works, in «circulation» and «evolution», which question the links between man, nature and art, but also the artwork and its ecosystem;its living form. For several years now, the artist has been working with scientists from INRA-Provence on a project involving forests and climate issues, particularly drought.
In the middle of the booth, the sculpture-project Le brin d’une herbe jaillit à qui la vie déborde was created in 2024 using trees from the Parc forestier de la Poudrerie (Miramas), as part of the voyons voir residency, in partnership with the Conservatoire du Littoral. It’s a Va’a sculpture-pirogue, carved out and protected by fire. A living young tree serves as a sail. As part of the 2024 Cultural Olympiad, the work sailed on the Etang de Berre in May, while hosting a performance. A video will recount the production and the sailing performance.
Behind, inside the wall, a thin crack reveals a linear installation (6 meters); a layer of ‘‘bristles’’, but of vegetal origin. Composed of ‘‘recycled’’ wood shavings from previously sculpted works, held together by large hand-forged staples, Les crins is a hybrid stratification, blending the human with the vegetal.
Finally, a series of functional artworks created with the COLAAB association (vases, shelves, consoles, etc.) link design, art and life, extending the scope of sculpture towards life and regeneration. These sculptures, hung in series, form a singular micro-universe where «the tiny generates its own space and extends itself».



Sara Favriau

Le brin d’une herbe jaillit à qui la vie déborde (2024)
Aleppo pine log from the Parc forestier de la Poudrerie (Miramas) sculpted with fire, shrubs, linen and hemp,
Work produced as part of the residency voyons voir art contemporain et territoire, Miramas, in partnership with the Conservatoire du Littoral.
300 x 200 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Maubert
© Malo Legrand

Price upon request

Sara Favriau

Les crins (2022)
Wood shavings in a notched wall
Variable dimensions
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Maubert

Price upon request

Sara Favriau

Et si jamais le ciel est un lieu-dit, je le revois près du front (2022)
Wood vase
Courtesy of the artist, ColAAb and Galerie Maubert

Price upon request

Sara Favriau

Et si jamais le ciel est un lieu-dit, je le revois près du front (2022)
Stone vase-shelf
Courtesy of the artist, ColAAb and Galerie Maubert

Price upon request