Villa Carmignac


April 27, 2024 from November 3, 2024

Curated by Alona Pardo

In the beginning, Porquerolles was a woman: a princess transformed into an island to escape a terrible assailant, according to the founding legend. On this island-woman, and based on certain female representations in the Carmignac collection, British curator Alona Pardo has devised an exhibition that examines the way women have been viewed from the earliest myths to the present day.


Your VIP card (valid for two people) entitles you to a reduced rate of 11€/person at the Villa Carmignac from August 26 to September 8 inclusive. Please book your visit in advance directly on the website of the Villa.




Address: Piste de la Courtade Île de Porquerolles, 83400 Hyères