mfc-michèle didier, Paris
For its second consecutive participation in ART-O-RAMA, the Paris-based publisher mfc-michèle didier present a curatorial project based on the theme : Lost Paradise, between sex and the beatitude.
First, there will be Mes Dessins Secrets by Annette Messager, one of the nearly sixty “collection album” made by the artist between 1972 and 1974. This work consists of 76 erotic drawings, drawn freehand by the artist on various papers from notebooks and booklets.
Furthermore, Journal by Mathieu Mercier will consist of a limited edition newspaper containing a series of nude photographs all coming from the artist’s private collection. Where do these images come from? Mathieu Mercier tries to provide an answer “These images are fascinating as they don’t reveal any stylistic indications, the models don’t have any clothes nor accessory and the scene always shows an exterior, rural decor”.
Finally, there will be 1001 nuits + 1 jour by Yona Friedman which will reveal the mythological aspect of the project. The book consists of 168 drawings-scenes illustrated in the artist’s distinctive style, in a “naive” manner. All the scenes having titles directly and indirectly inspired by the myth of lost paradise.