Gilles Drouault multiples, Paris
Antoine Marquis, Katinka Bock, Neïl Beloufa, Robert Stadler
One of the particularities of the galerie des multiples, as a publisher, is that it is not tied exclusively to any reproducibility tool. Galerie des multiples has produced and published works in a wide variety of media (painting, silkscreen, sculpture, pigment printing, 3D printing…) and materials (wood, ceramics, marble, steel…).
For this new edition of Art-o-rama, Gilles Drouault multiples prensents works that bear witness to this diversity, this wealth of production that artists have been able to use.
In 2017, the gallery presented an exhibition of “unique multiples”. Once again this year, Gilles Drouault multiples want to present works that are less about the edition as such than about the series. This is the case with works by Antoine Marquis, Neil Beloufa, Katinka Bock and Imi Knobel. Gilles Drouault also prensents presenting a series of one-off pieces at Art-o-rama 2023.