Fondation GIMS

Restitution of the workshops of the Jeunes Producteur·rice·s 2021/22 program developed by Fræme for the GIMS Foundation


Tina & Charly

with the class of second Bac Pro – CDBTP

Métiers de la construction durable,

du bâtiment et des travaux publics

Lycée professionnel Jean Lurçat



Fabienne Guilbert Burgoa

with the second class CAP Métiers de l’entretien des textiles

Lycée Professionnel Leau



Marion Zurbach

as part of the ULIS program

with the Lycée des Métiers Brise-Lames



Lucile Gautier

with the CAP Marqueterie

Lycée professionnel Poinso-Chapuis



The Jeunes Producteur·rice·s project introduces students in vocational programs to contemporary art while raising their awareness of health, safety and well-being at work. Each year, several production workshops are conducted by artists whose know-how intersects with that of the students. From research to the definition of the artistic project, from drawing to its realization, the skills and techniques developed during the training of these young people are solicited and valued. In collaboration with the GIMS Foundation’s occupational health and safety specialists, this educational program is an opportunity to question together the ways in which art can be permanently activated and reactivated, and belong to everyone.
