29th Aug. – 31th Aug. 2025

Art-O-Rama, Marseille 29th Aug. – 31th Aug. 2025
Product Detail | ART-ORAMA
The morning continues with a visit to the studio of artist Delphine Wibaux.

What makes a landscape? What does it mean to “make landscape”?
Delphine Wibaux invites you to discover her research into “pockets of landscape” and the notion of threshold and horizon. This proposal stems from a residency on Reunion Island at the Cueillir laboratory, proposed by artist Anne Fontaine and supported by La Box.
Delphine proposes an in situ installation, where glass and stoneware sculptures dialogue with images, plant and mineral harvests collected on the island, gathered in the space-time of this atypical workshop…


Shuttles will be available to take you around the neighborhood for this studio tour, a visit to Charlie Warde’s studio and brunch at Tchikebe’s between 10:30 and 12:20pm. At 12.20pm, shuttles will depart from the Frac Sud to the Mucem. Register to this visit to Mucem as well!


To join the tour, click on “Add”. You can choose the number of seats in “My VIP Tour”. If you have any questions, please contact Sasha Vales and Mouad Manar by email at vip@art-o-rama.fr or by phone +33 4 95 04 95 36.

Saturday August 31st - Studio visit Delphine Wibaux between 10:30am and 12:20pm