Frac Occitanie Montpellier

Mille Projectiles

June 21 to December 28, 2024

Anna Solal

In the new works unveiled in Anna Solal’s monographic exhibition at Frac Occitanie Montpellier entitled “Mille Projectiles”, the human figure makes a comeback through large-scale drawings in which characters, often in groups, appear; their postures recalling those taken by families or bands of friends to immortalize shared moments. Their heads are covered with large paper cocottes, echoing the principles of Instagram filters appearing on faces absorbed by screens. These forms, fantastical elements evoking mathematics in Anna Solal’s symbolist universe, illustrate the place that algorithms have taken in our society. These new, more or less implicit rules governing our world force us to hyper-control our self-image in relation to others. The Instagram filter is a mask, and Anna Solal’s paintings inscribe these props for a new kind of carnival in a certain history of painting.


Avec votre carte VIP (valide pour deux personnes) vous bénéficiez d’une entrée gratuite au Frac Occitanie Montpellier du 26 août au 8 septembre inclus. Veuillez vérifier les horaires et dates d’ouverture sur leur site internet.




Address: 4-6 Rue Rambaud, 34000 Montpellier

Anna Solal

Filtre Instagram I, detail (2024)
Collage, plastic plate rest, paper, metallized paper, printed images, colored pencils, paint, printed paper, glue
160 x 100 x 4 cm
Photo Élise Ortiou Campion - © Adagp, Paris 2024